All News focus articles
In depth: Eight-year Mastercard saga rumbles on
The Competition Appeal Tribunal has approved a £200m settlement in the massive Merricks v Mastercard collective action. But new battles loom over card processing fees and the funder’s return.
In depth: Law Commission issues proposals on reforming criminal appeals
Replacing the CCRC’s ‘real possibility’ test and elevating more cases to the Supreme Court are among Law Commission proposals.
In depth: Cardiff Civil and Family Justice Centre is falling apart
Leaky roof, missing tiles, inadequate security...the Cardiff Civil and Family Justice Centre is not fit for purpose. The centre’s decrepitude touches raw nerves in Westminster’s relationship with Wales.
In depth: AI regulation falters as UK snubs international accord
Legal controls over development and use of artificial intelligence hit an obstacle last week, as the US and UK refused to back a statement in support of AI regulation signed by 60 other countries.
In depth: Legal policy forum highlights new diversity and inclusion initiatives
The UK’s legal sector is continuing to champion diversity, equality and inclusion programmes as major US corporations, including professional advisory firms, begin to row back on their pledges.
In depth: Should solicitors hold client money?
Would it be simpler and safer if law firms didn’t hold client money? That is one proposal in a landmark SRA consultation on client protection which closes later this month. Solicitors are sceptical.
In depth: AI revolution is 'inevitable' - the challenge is to embrace it ethically
The master of the rolls was preaching to the converted at the latest LawtechUK event. His message was clear: artificial intelligence is here to stay and the profession should be prepared to embrace it.
In depth: Green light for international convention on safeguarding lawyers
As last month’s Day of the Endangered Lawyer highlighted oppression in Belarus, the Council of Europe discussed a ‘raft of protections’ for lawyers, embodied in a unique draft convention.
In depth: Are defence lawyers rushing too readily to 'fundamental dishonesty' allegations?
Claimant lawyers say accusations of fundamental dishonesty are being used as a tactic to bully clients, with few consequences if they fail. A solution to strike the right balance could be found in costs.
In depth: Gauke's sentencing review - what he should recommend
David Gauke’s sentencing review must complement Sir Brian Leveson’s review of the courts if the government is going to come up with a holistic prescription for criminal justice.
In depth: MoJ to review computer evidence - but what is it?
The most widespread miscarriage of justice in British history demonstrated the fallibility of evidence produced by software. But the Ministry of Justice will not find it easy to redraw the boundaries.
In depth: Journalists test scope of family court transparency initiative
The family court’s transparency drive is being tested as journalists seek to overturn an order restraining the identification of judges involved in proceedings relating to the murdered Sara Sharif.
In depth: Class action bandwagon checked
The runaway growth of collective proceedings has prompted a rearguard action from business lobbyists. Developments in landmark cases including Mastercard and Apple may also slow the juggernaut.
In depth: Should law firms pressure staff to get back to the office?
UK plc and public sector organisations are ramping up pressure on staff to come in to the office as pandemic memories fade. Law firms seeking to follow suit need to be aware that there are risks attached.
In depth: Financial remedies - next steps for family justice reform
Financial remedies in divorce came under scrutiny this week. The Law Commission revealed four potential models for reform for inclusion in a scoping paper that will be published soon.
In depth: 'It's not about saving' - LCJ does not hold back
In her second appearance before MPs, the lady chief justice offered a wide-ranging critique of the justice system, bemoaning curbs on sitting days and touching on digitisation, family law and diversity.
In depth: Lawbites the dust - new-breed law firm rescue bid fails
Hopes that online platform LawBite would be saved by ‘a positive restructuring’ appear to have been dashed. A buyer could not be found for the business, which went under owing nearly £6m.
In depth: Why disillusioned junior lawyers give up law
More newly qualifieds are calling mental health charity LawCare, citing stress and job dissatisfaction. The Gazette spoke to junior lawyers who are contemplating a career change or have already stepped away.
In focus: Budget blues for law centres and small firms
After Rachel Reeves’ budget announcement of a rise in employers’ national insurance, cash-strapped law centres and small firms are agonising over how to absorb thousands in extra staff costs.
In depth: Supreme Court's Sky ruling sends 'shockwaves' through IP sector
Judgment in Sky trade mark saga clarifies both the law on bad faith registrations and the Supreme Court’s own remit. Brand owners must beware obtaining marks they have no intention of using